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Protein bars and weight loss

Protein bars are snacks or foods that contain high-quality protein as the main ingredient. They are usually in the form of bars or blocks for easy consumption. In addition to protein, they also contain carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals that are essential for the body, especially for those who

Tempeh: Enhances the digestive system

Tempeh is a food that is starting to gain popularity among health-conscious people, enhances the digestive system. It is by boiling soybeans and fermenting them with mold that helps digest protein in the beans, resulting in white fibers that hold the beans together in a

How are diet and anemia related?

Easily tired, exhausted, dizzy, lightheaded, pale, slow brain, forgetful, lack of concentration, loss of appetite, chest pain, and palpitations. It may that you are at risk for anemia, which is caused by a decrease in the amount of red blood cells in the body. Red

Fill up on protein with tofu.

Tofu is from soybeans. Eating tofu will provide you with twice as much protein as some other types of meat in the same amount. It also contains lecithin, which reduces fat, helps promote the functioning of the nervous system related to memory, prevents blood clotting. There

Healthy Pumpkin Seed Recipes

Pumpkin seed are a good source of dietary fiber and monounsaturated fatty acids, which are good for heart health. Pumpkin seeds are also a rich source of protein, minerals, and many other health-promoting vitamins, such as: Pumpkin seeds contain about 151 calories per 28 grams.

Brain food helps stimulates memory!

Daily life is full of many stories. Sometimes you may fall into a state of short-term memory loss or forget things that just happened even though a short time has passed. With the changing environment, many people may neglect getting quality sleep and eating healthy

Watch for signs of Kleptomania.

Kleptomania is a psychiatric disorder in which the patient has an intense urge to steal things. Even if they are useless or of little value. This behavior is not cause by material desires or financial problems. But rather by a brain disorder that causes the